Nicole's Smart Money Start for high school students

Smart Money Start educates and enthuses high school students about the make-or-break topic of money. The multi-media financial literacy presentation dovetails with content in the curriculum. Nicole has worked closely with Paul Clitheroe, Financial Literacy Australia and ASIC, and is an official presenter on the government’s financial literacy website: - please see the video below for more information.
It is rapid-fire and outcome-driven to above all instill motivation in students.
It is focused around just how much you can achieve if you start your financial journey right, as well as money mistakes that could completely derail you.
It is 100% geared towards students' interests and money concerns – for example, talking saving for schoolies and a car, what you’re entitled to from casual jobs (salary and super) and the average ages for moving out of home.
It potentially (controversially!) shows them how to manage money better than their parents (based on the Money Report Card Nicole and Paul Clitheroe recently issued for the country, which features some significant “Fails”).
Smart Money Start features television segments, apps, social media and unique online-forecasting tools that show students exactly what they could achieve and when. Nicole also shares stories and shows clips of her work with Carrie Bickmore, Sarah Harris, Natalie Barr, Kochie, Tracey Grimshaw, Larry Emdur and 7News.
It is suitable for cohorts from Year 9 to Year 12 and runs the length of one lesson or longer. A presentation specifically tailored for female students, dealing with their particular financial challenges, is also available.
What Schools Say about Nicole's Smart Money Start

“The Smart Money Start presentation to our Year 12 students certainly served to enthuse and educate them about topical money issues, including those of particular significance for young women. The mix of multi-media and interactivity in the presentation engaged the students and challenged some of their thinking and assumptions. Nicole effectively highlighted both short and long-term implications of decisions about savings, debt and spending patterns, in conjunction with a sensitive focus on wellbeing and philanthropy.”
“Nicole thoroughly inspires young people to change their perception of money, wake up to its risks in mismanaging and the possibilities of growth when used wisely. Her Smart Money Start presentation clearly describes and explains in detail a range of issues that surround young people and their options around saving, spending and investing their earnings now and in the future. Her personal approach and passion on the management of money and financial literacy is engaging and insightful.”
“Some of the best advice for young adults I’ve ever heard. Nicole’s presentation perfectly filled in the blanks in the curriculum on this important topic, just as our students were about to be unleashed on the wide world. It kept the students engaged for the entire time too. In fact I think I might invite their parents along next year – whilst Smart Money Start is age-appropriate, there is fabulous advice for everyone!”